#!/usr/bin/env python
# Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/coderev
# License: GPLv2, see "COPYING"
# $Id: codediff.py 9 2008-08-21 14:08:53Z mattwyl $

'''Diff two files/directories and produce HTML pages.'''

import sys, os, stat, errno, time, re, difflib, filecmp

_myname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
_revision = '$Revision: 9 $'.split()[1]

########## globals & templates begin ##########
# index page layout:
# h1: dir1 vs dir2
# summary_info: Files changed/added/deleted: xx/yy/zz
# Filename C/D/A Summary      Diffs                  Sources
# Pathname x/y/z         Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Fdiffs Old New
# Pathname x/y/z         Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Fdiffs Old New
# Pathname x/y/z         -      -      -      -      -   New
# Pathname x/y/z         -      -      -      -      Old -
# Legends:
# Changed Deleted Added
# <hr>
# footer_info

_file_template = """
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <style type="text/css">



_styles = """
    body {font-family: monospace; font-size: 9pt;}
    #summary_info {font-style: italic;}
    #summary_table {
        border: 1px solid #ccc; border-collapse: collapse
    td {padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;}
    #legend {border:medium;text-align:center;}
    #footer_info {color:#333; font-size:8pt;}
    .diff {background-color:#ffd;}
    .added {background-color:#afa;}
    .deleted {background-color:#faa;}
    .table_header th {
        border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
        padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;

_header_info_template = """
    <h1>%(dir1)s vs %(dir2)s</h1>"""

_summary_info_template = """
    <p id="summary_info">
        Files Changed/Deleted/Added: %(changed)d/%(deleted)d/%(added)d

_data_rows_template = """
    <table id="summary_table" cellspacing="1" border="1" nowrap="nowrap">
    <tr class="table_header">
        <th><abbr title="Changed/Deleted/Added">C/D/A</abbr> Summary</th>
        <th colspan="4">Diffs</th>
        <th colspan="2">Sources</th>

_diff_data_row_template = """
    <tr class="diff">
        <td><abbr title="Changed/Deleted/Added">%(changed)s/%(deleted)s/%(added)s</abbr></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.cdiff.html title="context diffs">Cdiffs</a></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.udiff.html title="unified diffs">Udiffs</a></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.sdiff.html title="side-by-side context diffs">Sdiffs</a></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.fdiff.html title="side-by-side full diffs">Fdiffs</a></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s-.html title="old file">Old</a></td>
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.html title="new file">New</a></td>

_deleted_data_row_template = """
    <tr class="deleted">
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s-.html title="old file">Old</a></td>

_added_data_row_template = """
    <tr class="added">
        <td><a href=%(pathname)s.html title="new file">New</a></td>

_legend = """
    <table id="legend">
            <td width="20%%" class="diff">Changed</td>
            <td width="20%%" class="deleted">Deleted</td>
            <td width="20%%" class="added">Added</td>

_footer_info_template = """
    <i id="footer_info">
        Generated by %(myname)s r%(revision)s at %(time)s

_global_dir_ignore_list = (

_global_file_ignore_list = (
########## globals & templates end ##########

def makeTitle(pathname, width):
    'Wrap long pathname to abbreviate name to fit the text width'
    if not pathname:
        return 'None'

    if not width or width <= 0:
        title = pathname
    elif len(pathname) > width:
        if width > 3:
            title = '...' + pathname[-(width-3):]
            title = pathname[-width:]
        title = pathname
    return title

def getLines(file):
    '''Return content of file (a list, each is a line)'''
    if not file:
        return []
        fp = open(file, 'r')
        lines = fp.readlines()
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')
    return lines

def sdiffLines(fomeLines, toLines, outFile, fromTitle, toTitle,
               context, wrapnum, lines):
    '''diff two texts and return side-by-side html page, write to outFile.
    Return code indicating whether there are differences'''
    d = difflib.HtmlDiff(wrapcolumn=wrapnum)
    d._styles += '''
        /* customized style */
        body { font-family:monospace; font-size: 9pt; }
        table.diff {font-family:monospace; border:medium;}'''
    html = d.make_file(fomeLines, toLines, fromTitle, toTitle, context, lines)

        fp = open(outFile, 'w')
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

def cdiffLines(fomeLines, toLines, outFile, fromName, toName,
               fromDate, toDate, context):
    '''cdiff two texts and return summary info, write to outFile.
    Return code indicating whether there are differences'''
    d = difflib.context_diff(fomeLines, toLines, fromName, toName,
                             fromDate, toDate, n=context)
    title = 'Cdiffs of %s and %s' % (fromName, toName)
    summary, html = cdiffToHtml(d, title)

        fp = open(outFile, 'w')
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

    return summary

def udiffLines(fomeLines, toLines, outFile, fromName, toName,
               fromDate, toDate, n):
    '''udiff two texts and return html page, write to outFile.
    Return code indicating whether there are differences'''
    d = difflib.unified_diff(fomeLines, toLines, fromName, toName,
                             fromDate, toDate, n)
    title = 'Udiffs of %s and %s' % (fromName, toName)
    html = udiffToHtml(d, title)

        fp = open(outFile, 'w')
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

# This is only called when diff two files specified from command line
def diffFile(file1, file2, outFile, context=False, wrapnum=None, lines=3):
    '''diff two files and return html page, write to outFile.
    Return code indicating whether there are differences'''
    #print 'call diffFile(%s, %s, %s, ...)' % (file1, file2, outFile)
    #print '-' * 32

    fomeLines = getLines(file1)
    toLines = getLines(file2)
    fromTitle = makeTitle(file1, wrapnum)
    toTitle = makeTitle(file2, wrapnum)
    sdiffLines(fomeLines, toLines, outFile, fromTitle, toTitle, context,
               wrapnum, lines)

def inIgnoreList(name, ignorelist):
    for pat in ignorelist:
        if re.match(pat, name):
            return True
    return False

def grabDir(dir):
    'Get file list of dir, and remove unwanted file from the list'
    flist = []
    while dir[-1] == '/':   # remove unwanted trailling slash
        dir = dir[:-1]
    prefix = dir + '/'      # os.path.sep
    plen = len(prefix)

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
        for d in [k for k in dirs]:
            if inIgnoreList(d, _global_dir_ignore_list):
        for f in files:
            if not inIgnoreList(f, _global_file_ignore_list):
                name = os.path.join(root, f)
    return flist

def mergeList(list1, list2):
    # important: should make a new list! don't refer to list1
    list = [ i for i in list1 ] # XXX: list = list1
    for i in list2:
        if i not in list1: list.append(i)
    return list

def sourceToHtml(src, outfile):
    """Read file `src' and convert to html, write to file `outfile'"""
    #print 'call sourceToHtml(src=%s, outfile=%s)' % (src, outfile)
    #print '-' * 32
        infp = open(src, 'r')
        body = infp.read()
        body = body.replace("&","&amp;").replace(">","&gt;").replace("<","&lt;")

        outfp = open(outfile, 'w')
        # TODO: convert to syntax highlighted html
            <pre style="font-family:monospace; font-size:9pt;">%s</pre>
            </body></html>''' % (src, body))
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

def diffDir(dir1, dir2, outdir, wrapnum=None, lines=3):
    '''diff two directories and generate an index page.  Return code
    indicating whether there are differences and the summary info'''

    #print 'call diffDir(%s, %s, %s, ...)' % (dir1, dir2, outdir)
    #print '_global_dirseq:', _global_dirseq
    #print '=' * 72

    flist1 = grabDir(dir1)  # already filtered
    flist2 = grabDir(dir2)
    flist = mergeList(flist1, flist2)
    return diffDirByList(dir1, dir2, outdir, flist, wrapnum, lines)

def lstatFile(obj):
    'return None in case ENOENT, else a lstat info'
        statinfo = os.lstat(obj)
    except OSError, dig:
        if dig.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            statinfo = None
            sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')
    return statinfo

def diffDirByList(dir1, dir2, outdir, flist, wrapnum=None, lines=3):
    '''diff two directories and generate an index page.  Return code
    indicating whether there are differences and the summary info'''

    data_rows = ''
    data_row = ''
    summary = { 'changed': 0, 'added': 0, 'deleted': 0 }
    file_summary = { 'changed': 0, 'added': 0, 'deleted': 0 }
    has_diff = False


    for f in flist:
        # set default values
        fromLines = ''
        toLines = ''
        fromDate = ''
        toDate = ''

        target = os.path.join(outdir, f)
        obj1 = os.path.join(dir1, f)
        obj2 = os.path.join(dir2, f)

        # make output dir and sub dir
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, os.path.dirname(f)))
        except OSError, dig:
            if dig.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

        stat1 = lstatFile(obj1)
        stat2 = lstatFile(obj2)

        if stat1 and not stat2: # deleted
            print '%-40s |' % f,
            print 'File removed',
            #st_mtime = time.localtime(stat1[8])
            if not stat.S_ISREG(stat1[0]) or isBinaryFile(obj1):
                print '(skipped dir/special/binary)'
            old = sourceToHtml(obj1, target + '-.html')
            data_row = _deleted_data_row_template % {'pathname': f}
            summary['deleted'] += 1
            has_diff = True

        elif not stat1 and stat2: # added
            print '%-40s |' % f,
            print 'New file',
            if not stat.S_ISREG(stat2[0]) or isBinaryFile(obj2):
                print '(skipped special/binary)'
            new = sourceToHtml(obj2, target + '.html')
            data_row = _added_data_row_template % {'pathname': f}
            summary['added'] += 1
            has_diff = True

        elif stat1 and stat2: # same or diff
            # do not compare special or binary file
            if not stat.S_ISREG(stat1[0]) or isBinaryFile(obj1):
                print '%-40s |' % f,
                print '(skipped, former file is special)'
            if not stat.S_ISREG(stat2[0]) or isBinaryFile(obj2):
                print '%-40s |' % f,
                print '(skipped, latter file is binary)'
            if filecmp.cmp(obj1, obj2):

            has_diff = True
            fromDate = time.ctime(stat1[8])
            toDate = time.ctime(stat2[8])
            fromLines = getLines(obj1)
            toLines = getLines(obj2)

            # Cdiffs
            file_summary = cdiffLines(fromLines, toLines,
                target+'.cdiff.html', obj1, obj2, fromDate, toDate, lines)

            # Udiffs
            udiffLines(fromLines, toLines, target+'.udiff.html', obj1, obj2,
                       fromDate, toDate, lines)

            # Sdiffs
            sdiffLines(fromLines, toLines, target+'.sdiff.html', obj1, obj2,
                       True, wrapnum, lines)

            # Fdiffs
            sdiffLines(fromLines, toLines, target+'.fdiff.html', obj1, obj2,
                       False, wrapnum, lines)

            print '%-40s |' % f,
            print 'Changed/Deleted/Added: %d/%d/%d' % (\

            old = sourceToHtml(obj1, target + '-.html')
            new = sourceToHtml(obj2, target + '.html')
            data_row = _diff_data_row_template % dict(
                pathname = f,
                changed = file_summary['changed'],
                deleted = file_summary['deleted'],
                added = file_summary['added'],
            summary['changed'] += 1
        else: # this case occured when controlled by master file list
            print '%-40s |' % f,
            print 'Not found'
            data_row = ''

        data_rows += data_row

    if not has_diff:
        return False

    # Generate footer info
    footer_info = _footer_info_template % dict(
        time = time.strftime('%a %b %d %X %Z %Y', time.localtime()),
        myname = _myname,
        revision = _revision

    # now wirte index page
        index = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'index.html'), 'w')
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')
    index.write(_file_template % dict(
        title = '%s vs %s' % (dir1, dir2),
        styles = _styles,
        header_info = _header_info_template % dict(dir1=dir1, dir2=dir2),
        summary_info = _summary_info_template % summary,
        data_rows = _data_rows_template % {'data_rows': data_rows},
        legend = _legend,
        footer_info = footer_info,
    return True

def warnOverwrite(pathname):
    'Warnning for overwriting, return True if answered yes, False if no'
    msg = "`%s' exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it (yes/no)? "
    while True:
        sys.stderr.write(msg % pathname)
        answer = raw_input('')
        if answer == 'yes':
            return True
        elif answer == 'no':
            return False
        # else: prompt again

def isBinaryFile(file):
    '''I determine a binary file by reading the first 1024 bytes of the file
    and counting the non-text characters, if the number is great than 8, then
    the file is considered as binary file.  This is not very reliable but is
    if not file:
        return False

    non_text = 0
    target_count = 8
        fp = open(file, 'rb')
        data = fp.read(1024)
        for c in data:
            a = ord(c)
            if a < 8 or (a > 13 and a < 32): # not printable
                non_text += 1
                if non_text >= target_count: break
    except IOError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')
    return non_text >= target_count

def cdiffToHtml(cdiff, title):
    '''cdiff is context diff (a list) that generated by difflib.context_diff,
    return summary and html page'''
    summary = { 'changed': 0, 'added': 0, 'deleted': 0 }
    line_pattern = '<span class="%s">%s</span>'

    body = ''
    old_group = False
    for line in cdiff:
        n = len(line)
        line = line.replace("&","&amp;").replace(">","&gt;").replace("<","&lt;")
        if n >= 4 and line[0:4] == '*** ':
            old_group = True
            body += line_pattern % ('fromtitle', line)
        elif n >= 4 and line[0:4] == '--- ':
            old_group = False
            body += line_pattern % ('totitle', line)
        elif n >= 2 and line[0:2] == '  ':
            body += line_pattern % ('same', line)
        elif n >= 2 and line[0:2] == '! ':
            body += line_pattern % ('change', line)
            if old_group:
                summary['changed'] += 1
        elif n >= 2 and line[0:2] == '- ':
            body += line_pattern % ('delete', line)
            summary['deleted'] += 1
        elif n >= 2 and line[0:2] == '+ ':
            body += line_pattern % ('insert', line)
            summary['added'] += 1
        elif n >= 15 and line[0:15] == '*' * 15:
            body += '<hr>'
        else: # shouldn't happen
            body += line

    html = '''<html><head>
        <style type="text/css">
            .fromtitle {color:brown; font:bold 11pt;}
            .totitle {color:green; font:bold 11pt;}
            .same {color:black; font:9pt;}
            .change {color:blue; font:9pt;}
            .delete {color:brown; font:9pt;}
            .insert {color:green; font:9pt;}
        </head></html>''' % (title, body)
    return summary, html

def udiffToHtml(udiff, title):
    '''udiff is uniform diff (a list) that generated by difflib.uniform_diff,
    return html page'''

    line_pattern = '<span class="%s">%s</span>'
    body = ''
    for line in udiff:
        n = len(line)
        line = line.replace("&","&amp;").replace(">","&gt;").replace("<","&lt;")
        if n >= 4 and line[0:4] == '--- ':
            body += line_pattern % ('fromtitle', line)
        elif n >= 4 and line[0:4] == '+++ ':
            body += line_pattern % ('totitle', line)
        elif n >= 1 and line[0] == ' ':
            body += line_pattern % ('same', line)
        elif n >= 1 and line[0] == '-':
            body += line_pattern % ('old', line)
        elif n >= 1 and line[0] == '+':
            body += line_pattern % ('new', line)
        elif n >= 4 and line[0:4] == '@@ -':
            body += '<hr>'
            body += line_pattern % ('head', line)
        else: # shouldn't happen
            body += line

    html = '''<html><head>
        <style type="text/css">
            .fromtitle {color:brown; font:bold 11pt;}
            .totitle {color:green; font:bold 11pt;}
            .head {color:blue; font:bold 9pt;}
            .same {color:black; font:9pt;}
            .old {color:brown; font:9pt;}
            .new {color:green; font:9pt;}
        </head></html>''' % (title, body)
    return html

def stripPrefix(name, p=0):
    '''strip NUM slashes, like patch(1) -pNUM
    eg1: /foo/bar/a/b/x.c
    -p0 gives orignal name (no change)
    -p1 gives foo/bar/a/b/x.c
    -p2 gives bar/a/b/x.c
    -p9 gives x.c

    eg2: foo/bar/a/b/x.c
    -p0 gives orignal name (no change)
    -p1 gives bar/a/b/x.c
    -p2 gives a/b/x.c
    -p9 gives x.c

    eg3: ./foo/bar/a/b/x.c
    -p0 gives orignal name (no change)
    -p1 gives foo/bar/a/b/x.c
    -p2 gives bar/a/b/x.c
    -p9 gives x.c
    cur = 0
    tail = len(name) - 1
    while p > 0:
        index = name.find('/', cur)
        #print 'p:', p, 'cur:', cur, 'index:', index
        if index == -1: break
        while index <= tail and name[index] == '/':
            index += 1
        cur = index
        p -= 1
    return name[cur:]

def readFileList(file, p=0):
    '''Return content of filelist (a file, each line is a filename)'''
    flist = []
    if not file:
        return []
    if file == '-':  # read from stdin
        flist = sys.stdin.readlines()
            fp = open(file, 'r')
            flist = fp.readlines()
        except IOError, dig:
            sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

    outlist = []
    for i in flist:
        outlist.append(stripPrefix(i, p).rstrip())
    #print outlist
    return outlist

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import optparse

    usage = '''
    %(name)s [options] OLD NEW
    %(name)s OLD NEW [options]

    Diff two files/directories and produce HTML pages.''' % \
    {'name': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])}

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option('-o', '--outupt', dest='output',
                      help='specify output file or directory name')
    parser.add_option('-c', '--context', action='store_true',
                      dest='context', default=False,
                      help='generate context diff (default is full diff),' + \
                           ' only take effect when diffing two files')
    parser.add_option('-f', '--filelist', dest='filelist', metavar='FILE',
                      help='specify a file list to read from, filelist can ' + \
                           'be generated by find -type f, specify - to read' + \
                           ' from stdin')
    parser.add_option('-p', '--striplevel', dest='striplevel',
                      type='int', metavar='NUM',
                      help='for all pathnames in the filelist, delete NUM ' + \
                           'path name components from the beginning of each' + \
                           ' path name, it is similar to patch(1) -p')
    parser.add_option('-n', '--lines', dest='lines',
                      type='int', metavar='NUM', default=3,
                      help='specify context line count when generating ' + \
                           'context diffs or unified diffs, default is 3')
    parser.add_option('-w', '--wrap', dest='wrapnum',
                      type='int', metavar='WIDTH',
                      help='specify column number where lines are broken ' + \
                      'and wrapped for sdiff, default is no line wrapping')
    parser.add_option('-y', '--yes', action='store_true',
                      dest='overwrite', default=False,
                      help='do not prompt for overwriting')

    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.stderr.write("Sorry, you must specify two file/directory names\n" \
                         + "type `%s -h' for help\n" % _myname)

    if not opts.output:
        sys.stderr.write("Sorry, you must specify output name (use `-o')\n")

        # Note: use stat instead lstat to permit symbolic links
        stat1 = os.stat(args[0])[0]
        stat2 = os.stat(args[1])[0]
    except OSError, dig:
        sys.stderr.write(str(dig) + '\n')

    # Compare two files
    if stat.S_ISREG(stat1) and stat.S_ISREG(stat2):
        if not opts.overwrite and os.path.exists(opts.output):
            if not warnOverwrite(opts.output): sys.exit(1)
        url = 'file://%s\n' % os.path.realpath(opts.output)

        if filecmp.cmp(args[0], arg2[1]):
            print 'No difference found.'
            diffFile(args[0], args[1], opts.output, opts.context,
                    opts.wrapnum, opts.lines)
            print '\nURL:\n%s' % url

    # Compare two dirs
    elif stat.S_ISDIR(stat1) and stat.S_ISDIR(stat2):
        if not opts.overwrite and os.path.exists(opts.output):
            if opts.filelist == '-':
                # stdin redirected, so we cannot read answer from stdin
                print "`%s' exists, please select another output directory, " \
                      "or specify '-y' to force overwriting." % opts.output
                if not warnOverwrite(opts.output):
        url = 'file://%s/index.html\n' % os.path.realpath(opts.output)

        if opts.filelist:
            # filelist mode, contolled by master file list
            # read file list, ignore lines with first char is '/'
            # if see 'foo/bar/abc', makedirs foo/bar/, then put abc.diffs to it
            flist = readFileList(opts.filelist, opts.striplevel)
            if diffDirByList(args[0], args[1], opts.output,
                             flist, opts.wrapnum, opts.lines):
                print '\nURL:\n%s' % url
                print 'No difference found.'
            if diffDir(args[0], args[1], opts.output, opts.wrapnum,
                print '\nURL:\n%s' % url
                print 'No difference found.'

        sys.stderr.write("Sorry, I don't know how to compare `%s' and `%s'\n" \
                         % (args[0], args[1]))

# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4: